Changelog March — May 2022

Hello everyone! We are glad to show you the GrandBazar changelog from March till June. There you can find all of the changes that we have made in this period.
- We have updated the NFT item cards design.
- We have reorganized the top, bottom, and mobile menus.
- See FIDE World Championship Dubai 2021 Unique Chess Collection — the first ChessNFT external collection on Grandbazar.
- Redesigned main page.
- The Explore page now displays 60 items by default. The Load More button also adds 60 items at a time.
- Added visibility management guides for items and collections.
- Grandbazar is going to support third-party NFT-minting services. Users who create their items on external resources will see them in Grandbazar.
- The Explore section is now divided into three subsections: items, collections, and profiles. This will ease the search for items and collections.
- Minting NFT is now available via the Everspace and Ever Surf apps.
- Added a detailed statistics section for all users and collections.
Bug fixes
- The Create page now shows an error message about connecting to the wallet if the EVER Wallet is inactive or uses a network that is not supported by the site.
- Fixed header transition when scrolling the page.
- Corrected the display of recommended auctions on the main page.
- Removed the duplicate likes button on the item page.
- Fixed focus on the article selector in the help center.
- Fixed markup of error messages in forms.
- The Graphql query to Dapp has been optimized, and the waiting time for the query data has been reduced.
- The layout of all buttons on the site has been redesigned.
- Warning labels on the item page have been changed during its blocking.
- As part of the website redesign process, the fonts for all elements have been changed.
- The description field in the user profile has been enlarged, now it provides the line breaks and the paragraphs of text.
- Added Twitter Card option for NFT pages. The preview picture in the social media link to the item is large now.
- Added a Job to collect and process missed listings, auctions and transfers. It should reduce the number of errors while registering user actions.
- Added NFTs created on other websites to the general statistics.
- The collection statistics have been improved by adding a tooltip with an explanation of the visible collection items number, and by adding an animation to load the statistics.
- The first collection was released on Launchpad — Boar War.
- Started the Launchpad section.
- Added maintenance for NFT "traits" and statistics on them.
Bug fixes
- Corrected the calculation of royalties on the item page when selling.
- The option to transfer items through Everspace has been added.
- The length of the links when interacting with the Everspace wallet has been optimized, making QR codes for it smaller and easily readable by all smartphones.
- A new parameter, rank, has been added to the item details. Used in the ScalePunks collection.
- The menu on mobile devices has been redesigned.
- The size of QR codes when interacting with wallet applications has been optimized and a loader has been added for the appearance of a QR code.
- The video player overlay now matches the width of the item.
- A bot with marketplace statistics has been added to the official GB groups.
- Support for smart contracts according to the TIP—4 standard has been introduced.
- The ScalePunks — Reborn 2.0 Collection has been published on the Launchpad.
- The option to swap old standard punks to the new TIP—4 has been implemented.
- The collection pages now have a filter and an option to sort the items.
Bug fixes
- For mobile devices, the card layout for the item that is up for auction has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug when it was impossible to open a hidden collection.
- Fixed a link to the item minting for Everspace.
- Bug fixed when long continuous lines of text broke the site layout on mobile devices.
Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe our social media: