Changelog May — August 2021

Hello everyone! We are glad to show you the GrandBazar changelog from May 2021 till August 2021. There you can find all of the changes that we have made in this period.
- Added a progress bar loader for the item filter.
- A new article "Beginner's Guide" has been posted in the Help Center.
- "Put on sale" modal and NFT creation form now have a footnote explaining why we charge 0.5 Crystals per transaction.
- Added pages: "Changelog", "Privacy Policy", "Terms of Service".
- Added a form for feedback submittions.
- Added links to social networks.
- Added a subscription form at the bottom of the main page.
- Added background color change on hover over the tab buttons.
- The number of displayed items depends on user's viewport size.
- The blocks "New items on the marketplace" and "Recently created" have been added to the main page.
- New items are displayed at the top of the catalog by default.
- Clicking on the author name in the item card now redirects to the author's profile.
- Added background color change on hover over the search input.
- Added Collections v1. Users can now combine items into their own collections.
- Marketplace statistics and leaderboards are now available on the homepage.
- Added a history tab on the item page.
- Added item category and sale status filter.
- Items now can be sorted by price on the Explore page.
Bug fixes
- Extraton wallet is now checked for a link to the current user account before placing a sale order or canceling a sale. Thus, it prevents invalid sales requests from being sent.
- Fixed an issue with OAuth providers.
- Dropdown menus no longer overlap with other items.
- Removed blinking black overlay on page load.
- Fixed an issue with long loading of the main page.
- The modal now fits the window and can be scrolled.
- Removed blinking black overlay on page load.
- The sold items are being removed from the seller's account.
- Responsive styles for the player on the video item page.
- Fixed an issue with clicking the mobile menu button.
- The modal now fits the window and can be scrolled.
- Added card skeleton loader.
- Refactored loading spinner markup.
- Refactored toast messages.
- Added a modal cookie message box.
- Added card skeleton loader.
- Improved lightbox functionality.
- Added a new progress bar with higher contrast on Marketplace catalog load.
- Added "on auction" filter on the Explore and Profile pages.
- Added the bids history for the item put up for auction.
- Users can now list an item for sale or start an auction using the buttons on the item page.
- The estimated USD value is now displayed next to TON prices.
- The content menu is now sticked to the left pane on Help Center and Changelog pages.
- Basic auctions are published.
Bug fixes
- TON/USD rate is now updated correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the layout of auction and collection cards on mobile screens.
- The end date of the auction is now displayed in the item history.
- Service fee is now charged correctly. Sellers receive their revenue minus commission.
- Collection cards on the homepage are now clickable.
- Fixed a markup issue for the Share button on User Profile and Collection pages.
- Added support of Open Graph markup for page previews when sending links in social networks.
- The setting of royalties on the item creation page has been improved. The percentage can now be selected using the slider.
- Added a hover to the context menu in item cards.
- Added a button to copy the link to NFT in the Share menu.
- Swapped palces and shapes of avatars in item cards. The owner's avatar is now circular and located in the right slot.
- Added animation for tooltips.
- Added links to the item in the blockchain explorer and the IPFS gateway on the item page.
- Added tooltip for avatars in item cards.
- A footnote with information about the author's royalty has been added to the "Put on Sale" modal window. Also, the royalties have been added to the item's final price calculation.
- One Free TON address can no longer be connected to multiple user profiles.
- The audio track of video items is now muted by default.
- Added prices for items in US dollars, which are calculated based on the approximate Free TON Crystal rate.
- Marketplace is on the Free TON mainnet.
- Implemented support for web sockets. Now all users can see changes of the state of a NFT item without reloading the page. For now the following is supported: putting an item on sale or auction, removing it from sale, buying an item, bidding on an auction, unlocking an item after a successful transaction.
- The main page has been fully refactored. Added featured collections and recommended NFT items in the blocks with auctions and latest offers. The "New on the Marketplace" block now contains the latest items for sale.
- Items are now blocked while transactions are being processed in the blockchain.
- A context menu has been added to item cards.
- Users can now transfer their items to other users on the marketplace.
- Users can now format descriptions with paragraphs by adding new lines to the text.
- Canceling a transaction in Extraton now causes an abort of the operation on the item page.
- Added GIF generation for video files previews.
- Avatars now have different shape for item owner, author, and collection.
- Registration and authorization is now available via email and user password.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error generating thumbnails of images.
- Fixed a bug that caused the item to freeze when putting it up for auction.
- The bug with the appearance of likes has been fixed. Now the user sees their likes in promo blocks.
- Fixed a bug in iOS with the change avatar button on the profile settings page.
- Users can no longer transfer items to themselves.
- Fixed item history after canceling or ending an auction.
- Fixed the appearance of the mobile menu.
- Fixed the form for adding a new collection.
- Fixed display of the minimum bid at auctions.
- Empty collections are no longer displayed on the main page.
- Fixed error sharing on twitter.
- Fixed uploading of user avatar.
- Fixed display of dates in item history.
- Refactored all footnotes for transaction fees.
- All form fields now have a maximum character limit.
- Fixed creation of user avatars.
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