March Monthly

Hello, Grandbazarians!
It's April, which means it's time to share the results of our work in the new March Monthly Update. We have made some fundamental changes in the functionality of our marketplace, so read them carefully.
Enjoy reading!
Our General Updates:
- Grandbazar is now in Russian! For the convenience of our Russian-speaking users, we have adapted our marketplace and now you can easily change the language directly on the toolbar and sections.
- We've added a new "Activity" section. It is located in the Separate section, the "Stats" tab; On the collection's pages; In your profile.
With it you can:
- Check out the activity of the entire marketplace
- Watch the actions of the collection on collection's page
- Watch the actions of the account in your profile
- The new feature to search for NFTs is now available right on your favorite collection page. Filter NFTs by their Status, Price, Currency and Attributes!
Content updates:
-We've launched a new #collectionstory column in our Twitter, where we interview the creators of NFT collections posted on Grandbazar. If you want your collection to be a part of it, just DM us.
-Now we post more content for our audience on Telegram! And for Russian-speaking users, we remind you that we have a Russian chat, where you can ask any question you are interested in, as well as find like-minded people.
Stay tuned and follow Grandbazar on social media!