Recent updates

Hello, Grandbazarians!
Today we're pleased to present the Grandbazar’s recent updates to tell you about all the news that have taken place on our Marketplace during latest time.
Enjoy reading!
- Multiple Mint was added to Grandbazar!
Now any user can freely mint the same item multiple times without need to put each item up for sale individually. This can help when the data of your item is the same but the number of tokens is more than one.
- The ability to use the TIP-3 tokens on Grandbazar has been added.
Currently 22 different tokens are available for use, but their list will be updated
Content updates
- New articles were added to our Help Center
- We've added a new feature for viewing NFT collection statistics such as:
• Sales volume
• Number of sales
• Floor price
- We’ve updated Grandbazar's homepage with new sections and more user-friendly interface
- We've updated the Launchpad page calendar. You can now filter Launchpad events by Live, Upcoming, and Past categories and stay up-to-date on Grandbazar's hottest offerings.
- The header design of the collection page has been updated. On this page you can now view new statistics: supply and unique owners.
- On the "Explore Collections” page, we've added new categories. Choose "Art" for NFTs related to art, "Utilities" for NFTs with unusual features, and "Collectibles" for those NFTs that have no real use.
Content updates
- New articles were added to our Help Center
- We've launched a new #collectionstory column in our Twitter, where we interview the creators of NFT collections posted on Grandbazar.
Social media updates
- Grandbazar created its own page on!
Follow it not to miss much educational content about the world of NFT and cryptocurrencies
- New "Activity" section was added.
Activity displays all actions made with NFTs, including Listings, Transfers, Minting, Auction Bidding, Auctions and Sales.
- Grandbazar is now in Russian! For the convenience of our Russian-speaking users, we have adapted our marketplace and now you can easily change the language directly on the toolbar and sections.
Content updates
-Now we post more content for our audience on Telegram! And for Russian-speaking users, we remind you that we have a Russian chat, where you can ask any question you are interested in, as well as find like-minded people
- We've launched a new column in our Twitter about NFT industry news. Follow us to stay in touch with the whole NFT market.
- The ability to put filters to search for NFTs right on any collection's page has been added.
Filters available:
• Status
• Price
• Currency
• Attributes
- We've added the ability for our users to see the new interface and filter selection right on their profile page
Content updates
- New articles were added to our Help Center
Social media updates
- We held quizzes in our Telegram chats, where users could test their knowledge of Grandbazar as well as the Everscale blockchain
Stay tuned and follow Grandbazar on social media!